الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011

how do you know

For along time awolf
Had keptnear some cheep
And had not hurt them
All the time the shepherd felt
Sure that the wlof was an enemy
And always watched him
But when the wolfkept following the sheep
With out hunting them
 The shepherd came to think the wolf
Must be a friend
And not an enemy so one day
As he  had gone  to the city
 The  shepherd asked
 The wlof to take care of the cheep
When he had gone

The wlof at once began to kill sheep and eat them
When the shepherd came back
 And saw what happened
He was very angry with himeself
What afool h was , he cried
I am well punshed for
Having trusted my sheep to the care of a wlof

Ther is more danger from one who pretends
 To be your friend than one
 Who calls him self your enemy

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